Yes Bank Ltd shares hit a 52-week low of Rs 11.89, down 1 per cent on the BSE in intra-day trade in an otherwise firm market. The stock of the private sector lender was trading at its lowest level since August 3, 2020. Thus far in the calendar year 2021, the market price of Yes Bank has slipped 33 per cent, compared to a 14.6 per cent rally in the S&P BSE Sensex. It had hit a 52-week high of Rs 20.83 on December 11, 2020.
Yes Bank returned to profitability in the April-June quarter of 2021-22 (Q1FY22) with a profit of Rs 210 crore, mainly led by higher other income and lower provisions. The gross non-performing assets (NPA) ratio was up 20 basis points quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) at 15.6 per cent as the bank resorted to heavy restructuring (Rs 5,000 crore; 3 per cent of loans vs 0.7 per cent in Q4).
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Its net interest income (NII) fell by 26.5 per cent in Q1FY22 to Rs 1,402 crore from Rs 1,908 crore in Q1FY21. In April-June 2021, the moratorium was in force, and the bank booked interest income, which was reversed in the fourth quarter (Q4FY21). Sequentially, NII was up by 42.1 per cent from Rs 987 crore in Q4FY21. Net interest margin (NIM) for the reporting quarter declined to 2.1per cent for Q1FY22 from three per cent for Q1FY21. However, sequentially, NIM rose from 1.6 per cent in Q4FY21.
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