Reliance Jio has commenced 5G trials in Mumbai as it races with rival Bharti Airtel plans to introduce the mobile technology. While Jio’s trials in Mumbai are being carried out using indigenously developed technology, the company has tied up with multinational vendors, including Ericsson, Nokia, and Samsung for trials in Delhi, Pune, and Gujarat.
The Department of Telecommunications had in May allocated 5G trial spectrum in 700-megahertz (MHz), 3.2-3.6-gigahertz (GHz), and 24.25-28.5-GHz bands to Airtel, Jio, and Vodafone Idea to develop India-specific use-cases. Jio is using standalone 5G architecture for its trials and this will include testing of core and radio network for peak speed, latency, and data loads, said a source.
Tests in other cities will commence soon and will need to be completed in six months, according to the spectrum licence conditions.
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Last year, the Mukesh Ambani-led company had tied up with Qualcomm to develop open and interoperable interface-compliant products. 5G solutions and had achieved 1 gigabits per second (Gbps) download speed during the tests.
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