Zoho Corporation, based in Chennai, has invested Rs 20 crore in a new startup in Kerala based named Genrobotics, having artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for social issues, mainly hazardous working solutions.
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According to Zoho, the investment will assist Genrobotics in its mission to eradicate manual scavenging in India and provide safety and dignity to workers in the sanitation and oil and gas industries. This investment will be used to develop the deep tech ecosystem in the country.
The world’s first machine is offering a robotic machine by Genrobotics to clean confined spaces such as sewers manholes, sewer wells, stormwater manholes, oily water sewers, and stormwater sewers in refineries.
Across 14 states, several multinational companies, townships and housing colonies are leveraging Bandicoot robots, eliminating the need for human entry into manholes.