The trends suggest that the BJP will be back for a second term in Uttar Pradesh with an overwhelming majority while the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is set to wrest power from Congress in Punjab. The saffron party leads in about 270 seats in UP, while AAP has taken the lead in over 92 constituencies in Punjab. In Uttarakhand, BJP has taken the lead in over 45 seats as Harish Rawat, the CM face of Congress, is trailing. The leads also show a neck-and-neck fight in Goa, with the BJP pulling slightly ahead of Congress. In the northeastern state of Manipur, BJP has taken the lead in over 20 seats, with incumbent CM N Biren Singh ahead in Heingang.
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The counting of votes for the 690 seats across five states commenced at 8 am. As the results of the five-state Assembly polls started rolling in, all eyes are fixed on the dead-heat race in Uttarakhand and Goa, where both the BJP and the Congress are fighting a fierce battle to the exit polls. While most pollsters believe it to be an easy ride for the BJP in Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, Punjab is expected to offer an unexpected change in power in the form of AAP.