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By EquityPandit


Xiaomi Consider Export ‘Made in India’ Smartphones to West Asian Nations Soon

This is a significant step towards the Indian Government’s “Make in India” initiative.

Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is looking at its options to export ‘made in India’ phones to West Asian Nations for the first time by the end of Q3 of the current fiscal year.

The company is in talks with its contract manufacturer Dixon Technology and other companies for local production of its phones.

Foxconn, a Taiwanese firm, and China’s DBG and BYD assemble Xiaomi phones in India.

Xiaomi contracted with Noida-headquartered manufacturer Optiemus Electronics to make its Bluetooth neckband earphones in May.

The company plans to reduce its handset models and focus on keeping the phone’s price range between Rs 10,000 – Rs 15,000.

According to a source, “the company’s market would dip by approximately 9% this year to 136 million handsets, and market share to reduce from 20-22% to 17-18%”.

The company talks with the government about exporting mobile phones to the UAE. They plan to start with entry-level and mid-range phones before extending to other nations.

The company has more than 100 countries under its wing, and West Asia is a key market for the Chinese company.

The Chinese company also plans to increase its in-store sales and create a better offline presence. The share of offline and online sales is 50-50%; the company wants to shift the offline sales to 60%.

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