Mahindra and Mahindra said that the passenger and commercial vehicles will face an increase in the price from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 73,000 starting April. After the increase, the company’s vehicle will go up by 0.5 percent to 2.7 percent from next month cause of price hike.
M&M President for Automotive Sector Rajan Wadhera a statement said, “this year has seen record-high commodity price increases. Further, there are regulatory requirements effective April 1 that have also led to cost increases. While we have made efforts to reduce our costs, it has not been possible to hold back the price increase. Consequently, the company is taking a price increase from April 1.”
The company sells various utility vehicles ranging from newly-launched compact SUV XUV300 to premium SUV Alturas G4. M&M also sells various commercial vehicles including Supro and Jeeto in the domestic market.
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