Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared in a taped video at the Grammys on Sunday. He requested support for his country and asked the industry’s top artists to fill the silence brought by war with music. Zelensky delivered his message ahead of the performance from John Legend of the song “Free”, joined by Ukrainian singer Mika Newton, musician Siuzanna Iglidan and poet Lyuba Yakimchuk.
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“Our musicians wear body armour instead of tuxedos. They sing to the wounded in hospitals, even those who can’t hear them. We defend our freedom to live, love, and sound. On our land, we are fighting Russia, which brings horrible silence with its bombs. Fill the silence with your music; fill it today to tell our story. Tell the truth about this war on your social networks, on TV. Support us in any way you can, but not with silence,” he said in his Grammy message.