The DMK government in Tamil Nadu introduced the Budget for 2022-23 in the Assembly, and FM Palanivel Thiaga Rajan said that the revenue deficit is set to decrease by over Rs 7,000 Crores.
Mentioning the Covid-19 pandemic, the floods, and the government action to tackle the situation, Thiaga Rajan said such factors had a negative impact on the state’s finances. The overall revenue deficit has dropped to Rs 55,272.79 Crores in revised estimates against the budgeted Rs 58,692.68 Crores. The 15th Central Finance Commission suggested a fiscal deficit of over 4.5 per cent of GSDP in 2021-22.
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The minister also said that Rs 2,531 Crores for waiver of agricultural loans, Rs 1,000 Crores for waiver of jewel loans and Rs 600 Crores for waiving self-help group loans has been allocated. All girl students who studied from Classes 6 to 12 in government schools will be paid Rs 1,000 per month directly into their bank account until their undergraduate degree, diploma and ITI courses.”