On Thursday, Tata Starbucks has opened its first drive-thru store in India at Dhillon Plaza, Ambala Chandigarh Expressway, Singapura in Zirakpur. Dhillon Plaza is owned by The Dhillon Group, where drive-thrus for other brands already exist had signed the partnership for a drive-thru way in late 2019 with Starbucks. Tata Starbucks Private Limited is a joint venture of Tata Global Beverages and Starbucks with 187 stores across India. Navin Gurnaney, Chief Executive Officer of Tata Starbucks said, “Tata Starbucks has had an incredible journey in India, and we are proud to have achieved yet another milestone. The opening of our first drive-thru store showcases our commitment to evolving our brand and business in India”.
The concept comes after the coronavirus pandemic has hit the dine-in facilities of restaurants instead, customers are preferring zero contact delivery. Drive-thru format has also added customer convenience to pick their orders from their cars, and travellers on the go or can have in-store seating by offering them the same menu available at other stores of Starbucks.
Tata Starbucks has also launched a digital marketing campaign to introduce ‘drive-thru’ in India, with the tagline “Why wait for your brew, when you can drive-thru?” and, apart from that Chandigarh and Mohali Starbucks stores are providing discount coupons to customers which can be redeemed to get 15 per cent off on their orders as a launch offer, for a limited time period.