According to the latest Union Home Ministry report, WhatsApp, followed by Telegram and Instagram, remains a top target for online scamsters. In the first three...
Telegram, an encrypted messaging platform, has successfully raised $210 million through bond sales from several investors, including its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, amid the...
Messaging app Telegram has launched Telegram Premium, a monthly subscription service that gives paying users access to exclusive features. The subscription plan is priced at...
WhatsApp has started unfolding emoji reactions to all users to counter Telegram, Apple’s iMessage and Slack, and WhatsApp-like sister platform Instagram. The ability to use...
On Friday, Judge Alexandre de Moraes ordered the internet providers and digital stores to block the messaging application across the nation. It failed to comply...
Telegram has launched many new features like message reactions, translation, hidden text, etc. Telegram users can now double-tap on a message, and a little thumbs-up...
Twitter has purchased Quill. Experts say this acquisition will allow Twitter Direct Messages (DMs) to compete better with other messaging apps. This new investment can...
Telegram raised over 70 million new users during the Facebook outage, its Founder Pavel Durov said. Facebook accused its outage due to a faulty configuration...