INDIAGovernment Imposed Barrier to Reduces Imports of Solar Cells Ali WaghbakriwalaDecember 10, 2024December 10, 2024 by Ali WaghbakriwalaDecember 10, 2024December 10, 202412208 The Union government has issued an order to include solar cells in the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) starting 1 June 2026 to...
BUSINESSAmp Energy India Enters Solar Cell Manufacturing; Collaborates with WebsolAniruddh ShrivastavaSeptember 9, 2022 by Aniruddh ShrivastavaSeptember 9, 202203601 On Friday, Amp Energy announced its entry into solar cells and module manufacturing. The company revealed its plan to establish a joint venture with Websol...
ECONOMYGovt to Impose New Tariffs on Import of Solar Cells and ModulesAmrita ChakravortyDecember 14, 2020December 16, 2020 by Amrita ChakravortyDecember 14, 2020December 16, 20200972 India plans to impose new tariffs on imports of solar cells and modules from 1 April 2022, power and renewable energy minister Raj Kumar Singh...