MARKETSShares of Siemens Surge as Siemens AG to Buy 18% Stake from Siemens Energy for €2.1 BillionChinmay BohraNovember 15, 2023November 15, 2023 by Chinmay BohraNovember 15, 2023November 15, 202303086 Siemens AG is set to acquire an 18% stake in Siemens India for €2.1 billion from Siemens Energy. The purchase price is approximately Rs 3,380...
MARKETSSiemens Shares Fall 10% After Agreeing to Sell Low-Voltage Motors, Gear Wings for Rs 2,200 CroreNileshMay 22, 2023May 22, 2023 by NileshMay 22, 2023May 22, 202304598 Shares of Siemens Ltd fell more than 10% on May 22 after the company said its board approved the sale of its low-voltage motors and...