Latest NewsMax Ventures is going to sell 22.5% to New York Life arm for Rs 121 croreadminJanuary 10, 2017 by adminJanuary 10, 20170894 Max Ventures and Industries (MaxVIL) which is a part of the Max Group, has announced a Rs 147.9 crore fund raising plan that includes sale...
Latest NewsTata Chemicals has sold its urea biz to Yara for Rs 2,670 croreadminAugust 10, 2016 by adminAugust 10, 20160983 Tata Chemicals has announced the sale of its urea business to Yara for Rs 2,670 crore. The sale process has been expected to get complete...
Latest NewsTata Housing has sold over 200 flats in Gurgaon for Rs 300 croreadminJune 21, 2016 by adminJune 21, 201601021 Tata Housing, the realty firm has sold more than 200 flats for about Rs 300 crore in its residential project in Gurgaon. Tata Housing which...
Latest NewsReligare has decided to exit mutual fund business, sells its stake to partner InvescoadminNovember 19, 2015 by adminNovember 19, 201501127 Religare, with the sale of its controlling 51 percent stake in Religare Invesco AMC to the foreign partner Invesco, decides to exit the mutual fund...
Latest NewsPaytm aims to sell perishable products like cakes, sweetsadminJuly 21, 2015 by adminJuly 21, 20150902 The e-commerce firm Paytm is planning to start selling fast perishable products like bakery cakes and local sweets. “During Eid sales offer, we were able...