TECHNOLOGYGovernment Issues Order to Ban 54 Chinese AppsNileshFebruary 14, 2022February 14, 2022 by NileshFebruary 14, 2022February 14, 202201412 The Central Government has issued the order to ban over 54 Chinese Apps due to the threat to the privacy and security of Indians. A...
BUSINESSTikTok’s Parent Company Bytedance Made $3 Bn in Profits in 2019Amrita ChakravortyMay 28, 2020May 28, 2020 by Amrita ChakravortyMay 28, 2020May 28, 202001271 TikTok owner Bytedance made over $3 billion in net profit last year, according to media reported. Inside sources told the publication that the company made $17...