BUSINESSPNC Infratech bags Rs 771.46 Crore Railway Project HaryanaChinmay BohraApril 7, 2023April 7, 2023 by Chinmay BohraApril 7, 2023April 7, 202307424 PNC Infratech, an infrastructure construction company, has announced that it has been awarded a project worth Rs 771.46 crore by Haryana Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation...
MARKETSRail Vikas Nigam Wins Rs 1,088 Crore Project, Shares Up 3%NileshMarch 20, 2023March 20, 2023 by NileshMarch 20, 2023March 20, 202301642 On March 20, Rail Vikas Nigam’s share gained 3% in early trade after the firm emerged as the lowest bidder (L1) for a project awarded...