STARTUPSFintech Unicorn CredAvenue Rebrands as YubiNileshJune 22, 2022June 22, 2022 by NileshJune 22, 2022June 22, 202202373 On June 22, Debt marketplace startup CredAvenue changed its name to Yubi after two years. Founded in August 2020, CredAvenue is a marketplace connecting businesses...
BUSINESSUrban Company Valuation Boosts 33% in 4th ESOP SaleNileshDecember 13, 2021December 13, 2021 by NileshDecember 13, 2021December 13, 202101630 Urban Company saw a 33 per cent jump in the firm’s valuation to $2.8 billion in the employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) sale, the company...
STARTUPSUrban Company to Launch IPONileshJune 2, 2021June 2, 2021 by NileshJune 2, 2021June 2, 202104463 Urban Company which closed a $255 million funding round last month, is joining on the IPO round. The company plans to go public in the...