On Tuesday, Beleaguered Adani Group said it had repaid Rs 7,374 crore (more than $900 million) share-based financing. It will repay all remaining debt by...
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) have removed Adani Enterprises, the flagship entity of port-to-power conglomerate Adani Group, from the short-term...
According to a presentation made by Adani Group to investors, Adani Group mainly relies on debt to promote rapid expansion. Its total debt has doubled...
Adani Group’s historic market crash showed signs of easing after the Indian conglomerate travelled to restore confidence and win a $1.9 billion investment from a...
On Thursday, the Supreme Court (SC) directed market regulator SEBI to conduct a detailed investigation and submit its findings within two months. The Supreme Court...