On Friday, Markets regulator SEBI imposed penalties totalling more than Rs 3.8 crore on seven entities, including six individuals, for carrying out circular trades in the shares of Sunteck Realty Ltd.
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The total penalty imposed on five entities is lower than the amount slapped on them through an order passed in December 2019.
As per the latest order, the penalties have been imposed on five entities equal to the ill-gotten gains made by them, while in the case of two others, the fine is Rs 5 lakh each.
In 2019, Sebi had slapped fines totalling over Rs 14.4 crore on the five entities, an amount that was twice the ill-gotten gains.
According to the order passed on Friday, a fine of Rs 2,85,57,592 has been slapped on Chiranjilal Jayaram Vyas while Rs 57,71,256 on Namdeo H More. Others who are facing penalties are Kishore Bhikaji Giri (Rs 3,56,506), Deendayal M Bohara (Rs 23,46,538) and Kishorilal Amrutlal Bissa (Rs 1,27,888).