Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai said the internet giant will move to a “hybrid” workweek as COVID-19 induced lockdown restrictions to ease in some locations. Most employees of the California-based company will work three days a week from the office, and two days from “wherever they work best”, the Google CEO said. “We’ll move to a hybrid work week where most Googlers spend approximately three days in the office and two days wherever they work best,” Pichai said in an email to the staff.
He added: “Since in-office time will be focused on collaboration, your product areas and functions will help decide which days teams will come together in the office. There will also be roles that may need to be on-site more than three days a week due to the nature of the work.”
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The future of work at Google is flexibility. The majority of our employees still want to be on campus some of the time yet many would also enjoy the flexibility of working from home a couple of days a week. In locations where Google offices have been reopened in a “voluntary capacity”, 60 percent of employees have returned to office. “Taken together these changes will result in a workforce where around 60 percent of Googlers are coming together in the office a few days a week, another 20 percent are working in new office locations, and 20 percent are working from home,” Pichai said.