Two years after its launch in India, the Spotify app will be available in 12 Indian languages including Hindi. Spotify made the announcement during its live-streamed event ‘Stream On’ where it announced that the streaming service’s user interface (UI) will be available in 36 more languages. Apart from the Hindi language, the other 11 Indian languages Spotify app will be available are Gujarati, Bhojpuri, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and Bengali. However, the titles will continue to be in the English language.
“Spotify is deeply invested in the global audio streaming ecosystem and aims to become the world’s first true audio platform. We are here for the long term, and there is no doubt that India has been one of our fastest growing and most important markets,” said Gustav Gyllenhammar, Spotify Vice President, Markets and Subscriber Growth.
With Hindi UI on Spotify, the streaming giant will take on the likes of JioMusic, Saavn, Gaana. right now, Gaana is the main contender with support for regional languages including Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Bhojpuri, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, and Gujarati.
There is no specific date of release revealed for support in regional languages yet. On the other hand, despite Hindi UI making its way to the app soon, the lyrics of Hindi songs are not available. Also, Spotify will represent underrepresented podcasters in India as a part of its “Sound Up” initiative. Original podcasts like I Hear You, Phobia, and Jurm Live will be launched on the platform soon enough.