More than one per cent rose in the benchmark indices on the last day of this week and continued winning for three straight weeks this month. The market had reminded that auto sales numbers have monthly earnings from India Inc and the return of foreign investors into equities. During this third week, the BSE Sensex added 817.68 points (1.42 per cent) to end at 58,387.93, while the Nifty50 rose 239.25 points (1.39 per cent) to close at 17,397.5 levels. On the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), Information Technology rose 3 per cent, the Power index added 2.87 per cent, and the Auto index added 2.22 per cent. However, the BSE Realty index shed 3 per cent. In the fourth week of this month, the Midcap index rose 1.7 per cent; Smallcap index added 2 per cent and the Largecap index rose 1.4 per cent.
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“Our market started the session with a decent bump up on Monday, carrying last week’s strong optimism. Globally, things continued on a brighter side, providing the much-needed impetus to the rally across the globe. As the week progressed, we extended our gains towards another psychological junction of 17,500. However, if we dive deep into it, we can realise that this week’s up move (barring Monday) was not as smooth as the previous one,” said Sameet Chavan, Chief Analyst-Technical and Derivatives, Angel One.
“We did observe some profit booking at higher levels, and on Thursday, the profit booking was severe at one point. But fortunately, all these intraday declines were successfully getting bought into. Eventually, the benchmark index ended the session at 17400 by adding more than a per cent to the previous week’s close.”