Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday said that she has asked the government departments to pay back all dues they owe to MSMEs and goods suppliers on time. In a press briefing in New Delhi, Sitharaman said she was meeting with the representatives of public sector units on Saturday to ensure there were no outstanding GST dues.
She also added the Centre was focusing on getting the expenditure going at the moment. “Overall expenditure as of August is 42 per cent. We will look at the fiscal deficit in time as per Budget aim,” said Sitharaman.
On the government’s expenditure plan, Expenditure Secretary Girish Chandra Murmu said the Centre has spent Rs 2.18 lakh crore for capital expenditure so far in the financial year 2020. He added that the government’s capex was on track and release of funds was not an issue. The expenditure secretary said the major ministries have reached about 50 per cent of their spending till now.
Read EquityPandit’s Nifty Outlook for the Week