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By EquityPandit


SII Seeks Indemnity Protection From Lawsuits

Serum Institute of India (SII), the manufacturer of Covishield, has asked for indemnity from lawsuits, saying all vaccine makers, whether Indian or foreign, should be granted indemnity protection.

“Not just Serum Institute of India, all the other vaccine companies should get indemnity protection against liabilities if foreign companies are granted with it,” SII sources said on Thursday. The move comes after Pfizer and Moderna asked the government to waive off the indemnity clause to aid the vaccine process in India. The government has so far not given any manufacturer indemnity or protection against legal action for any severe side effects.

Some officials from Health Ministry said other countries have granted this adjustment, and “there is no problem” in granting indemnity or legal protection from any claims linked to the use of a company’s Covid-19 vaccine. “If these companies have applied for Emergency Use Authorisation in India then we are ready to give them indemnity. It is expected that they will be granted indemnity against legal proceedings along the lines of what has been allowed in other countries for foreign vaccine companies like Pfizer and Moderna,” they added.

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