On July 4, the Eknath Shinde-led Maharashtra government faced a floor test done during a special two-day session of the Legislative Assembly. Eknath Shinde, the new Chief Minister of Maharashtra with all the Shiv Sena MLAs, held a meeting with BJP MLAs, Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis and all other leaders of other parties at a hotel in Mumbai.
“The Shiv Sena-BJP alliance government is set to face a majority test on Monday, the second day of the legislature’s special session. What exactly will be the government’s strategy was discussed in the meeting held in the presence of all the MLAs today,” media reported.
BJP elected a new coalition named Rahul Narwekar as the Speaker of the House with 164 votes in support and 107 against him on the first day of the special two-day session of the Legislative Assembly that began on July 3. He defeated Shiv Sena candidate Rajan Salvi.
Eknath Shinde, who has been claiming the support of 40 rebel Shiv Sena legislators, said that he expects the government to succeed in the floor test to be held tomorrow like the Speaker’s election held today, media reported.
CM Shinde’s government will prove its majority with 166 votes, Fadnavis claimed.