Shares of Vedanta Ltd have added 4.26 per cent in August 2022 compared to a 3.05 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Metal index and a 0.92 per cent rise in the SENSEX. The S&P BSE Metal index, is down 0.46 per cent. The index is up 3.05 per cent over August month. Last year, the S&P BSE Metal index went down 7.74 per cent compared to the 1.79 per cent surge in benchmark SENSEX.
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In July, Vedanta Ltd added 4.26 per cent as compared to 3.05 per cent to gain in the S&P BSE Metal index and a 0.92 per cent rise. On the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), 1.9 lakh shares were traded compared to average daily volumes of 6.95 lakh in July 2022. Vedanta Ltd stock hit a high record of Rs 440.75. The company’s stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 206.1 in the last month.