Hindalco Industries Ltd (HIL) has added 6.2 per cent over October compared to a 4.29 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Metal index and a 3.96 per cent rise in the SENSEX. On December 28 2022, HIL lost 2.49 per cent to trade at Rs 429.95. The S&P, BSE Metal index is down 1.22 per cent. The index is up 4.29 per cent over October 22. Some other stocks are Vedanta Ltd decreased by 1.77 per cent, and Steel Authority of India Ltd lost 1.5 per cent. The S&P BSE Metal index, went up 5.87 per cent in 2021 compared to the 9.16 per cent surge in benchmark SENSEX.
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Hindalco Industries Ltd has added 6.2 per cent over October compared to a 4.29 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Metal index and a 3.96 per cent rise in the SENSEX. On the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), 47322 shares were traded as compared with average daily volumes of 3.96 lakh shares on October 22. On March 20, the stock hit a record high of Rs 636; on June 20, the stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 309.