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SEBI has approved appointment of MCX new MD&CEO

SEBI the market regulator has provided its approval to appoint Mrugank Paranjape as the MD & CEO of commodity exchange MCX.

MCX has informed in a BSE filing that SEBI, vide its letter dated March 30, 2016, has conveyed its approval for the appointment for a period of three years from the date of his joining.

The board of commodity bourse MCX during last month, approved Paranjape’s appointment as MD and CEO of the exchange for a period of three years.

The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd (MCX) has also informed in a separate filing that SEBI has provided extension of the term of Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra, G Anantharaman and Satyananda Mishra as Public Interest Director (PID) on the Board of MCX for a period of three years from their respective date of appointment.

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