Schneider Electric factory Global energy management and automation company has opened a new factory in Bengaluru. New Facility will employ around 700 people, Schneider Electric said in the statement. Schneider Electric has announced to launch of its new factory in Bengaluru for the manufacture of industrial uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems and variable speed drives that regulate the rotation speed of an electric motor. This is Schneider’s second ‘Smart’ factory in India.”
In the month of February, this unit was launched in Hyderabad. Besides, the company has also established such factories in countries like Mexico, China, France, the US, Indonesia and the Philippines. “By 2020, Schneider Electric is committed to developing more than 100 Smart Factories, globally. Also, The Bengaluru Smart Factory, which manufactures IT products is one of our major smart facilities in this region,” Mourad Tamoud, Executive Vice President, Global Supply Chain, Schneider Electric said.
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