Sansera Engineering Ltd made a decent stock market debut as its shares got listed at Rs 811.50, a premium of 9 per cent over its issue price of Rs 744 per share on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Friday. On the BSE, the stock opened at Rs 811.35, the exchange data shows. It moved higher to Rs 828, up 11 per cent on the BSE.
In The morning, Sansera Engineering traded at Rs 825.75, up 2 per cent against its opening level on the BSE. Around 3.3 million equity shares changed hands on the counter on the NSE and BSE combined. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 0.36 per cent at 60,098 points simultaneously.
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The company expects that the listing of its equity shares will enhance its visibility and brand image and provide liquidity to shareholders. Also, the listing will provide a public market for the equity shares in the country.
The company is an engineering-led integrated manufacturer of complex and critical precision engineered components across automotive and non-automotive sectors.
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