Samsung Electronics said on Wednesday it has started mass-production of a power-efficient solid-state drive (SSD) for data centers that also boasts enhanced security solutions.
The South Korean tech giant said that “PM9A3E1.S” is the industry’s first data center-use SSD product based on sixth-generation V-NAND chips. It supports the standards of Open Compute Project (OCP), an organization that sets hardware and software standards in data centers.
Samsung, the world’s leading memory chip producer, said its latest SSD has the industry’s top-class power efficiency that will help data centres to reduce operation costs, reports Yonhap news agency.
Based on its sequential write speed, PM9A3E1.S supports 283 megabytes per second (MB/s) per 1 watt, which is a 50 percent improvement from its predecessor PM983aM.2, according to Samsung.
If all hard disk drives shipped worldwide last year are switched to the PM9A3 E1.S 4TB product, the total power savings could reach 1,484-gigawatt hours, Samsung said.
Samsung said the latest SSD also comes with enhanced security solutions, including anti-rollback, which prevents downloading firmware with a lower security version, and secure boot that verifies the digital signature during the boot process.