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SAIL has supplied 6.2 lakh tonnes rail to Indian Railways in FY17


The Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), in 2016-17, supplied 6.20 lakh tonnes of rails to the Indian Railways.

Vishnu Deo Sai, Minister of State for Steel has said in a written reply to Rajya Sabha that “Initially for 2016-17, Railways Board placed a bulk indent on SAIL for supply of 6,24,516 tonnes of rails, which was met by SAIL and it supplied 6,20,049 tonnes of rails during 2016-17 to Indian Railways.”

He further said that “However, the enhanced requirement of Railways i.e; supply of 8.2 lakh tonnes of rails during the year could not be met due to capacity constraints.”

He added that with the ramping up of the new 1.2 million tonne Universal Rail Mill at Bhilai Steel Plant, SAIL has now capacity to meet additional demand of Indian Railways.

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