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Russia Cuts Gas Supply to Netherlands for Not Paying in Rubles

Russia has announced it will cut off gas supplies to the Netherlands starting Tuesday, May 31, as the war in Ukraine intensifies, Reuters reported.

On Monday, this was confirmed by Dutch state-backed company GasTerra after refusing to pay Rubles to its supplier Gazprom, the Russian state holding company.

“Gas trader GasTerra has decided not to comply with Gazprom’s unilateral payment request,” the company said in a statement.

While claiming to have foreseen Russia’s move, GasTerra also said that “the European gas market is highly integrated and large, and it is impossible to say in advance how the loss of Russia’s 2 billion cubic meters of gas will affect supply and demand.” Whether to absorb this supply with limited consequences loss.”

The Netherlands will join Finland, Poland and Bulgaria in being the target of Russian gas weaponization. According to government figures, about 44% of the Netherlands’ energy needs natural gas, but only about 15% comes from Russia.

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