The Indian rupee was trading little changed against the US dollar which amid mixed cues from Asian currencies. During the year, the rupee has weakened 1.5 per cent, while foreign investors have bought which was nearly $13.28 billion in Indian equities $4.10 billion in debt.
The 10-year bond yield was trading at 6.772 per cent from its previous close of 6.79 per cent. At pre-open, the benchmark Sensex was up 0.49 per cent or 201.19 points to 41210.90 points. Year to date, it has gained 13.70 per cent. Taiwan dollar was up 0.44 per cent, China Offshore 0.31 per cent, and Hong Kong dollar 0.07 per cent. Malaysian ringgit was down 0.13 per cent, Singapore dollar 0.1 per cent, and China Renminbi 0.07 per cent.
The dollar index, which measures the US currency’s strength against a basket of major currencies, was at 97.074, down 0.10 per cent from its previous close of 97.172. Asian currencies were mixed as the euphoria caused by the phase-one of the US-China trade deal subsided and caution set in ahead of the signing of the agreement in January.
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