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Rs 440 Order From NPCIL Bagged By BHEL


BHEL said it has bagged an order worth over Rs 440 crore from Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL).
In a statement it said, BHEL has secured an…order for the erection work of the upcoming 2×1000 MWe turbine generator (TG) island units 3 and 4 at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu being set up with foreign cooperation (Russia),”
Significantly, for the same project, BHEL has also emerged as the lowest bidder for the erection of the reactor side equipment.
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BHEL is an established EPC leader for both thermal and nuclear power projects. 12 out of 18 operating Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) in the country are equipped with BHEL-supplied steam turbine generator sets, accounting for 74% of the installed capacity.
BHEL is also currently executing turbine generator packages for 4 units of 700 MWe, 2 units each at Kakrapar and Rawatbhata.

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