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RIL has received green panel’s approval for exploratory drilling project in TN

RIL has got the approval of green panel to carry out eight additional exploratory well drilling for ascertaining reservoir capacity and commercial viability of hydrocarbons in the block CY-III-D5 in Bay of Bengal off the coast of Tamil Nadu.

The exploratory rights have been awarded to the Reliance Industries for hydrocarbons prospecting in the offshore block DY-III-D5 under the New Exploration Licensing Policy-III. RIL, in this block, has already been given the environment clearance to drill 11 exploratory wells. The company has as on date, drilled nine wells and discovered hydrocarbons in three wells.

A senior government official has said that “In a recent meeting, the Expert Appraisal Committee of the Environment Ministry examined the proposal. After detailed deliberations, the committee recommended the project for environment clearance.”

He further said that the Committee has recommended the Ministry to give final clearance to RIL’s project subject to certain specific and general conditions.

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