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By EquityPandit

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Retirement Age of Govt Employees to Remain 60 Years: Govt

The government today clarified that it has no plans to change the retirement age of government employees. In the Rajya Sabha, MP Neeraj Shekhar had asked whether the government is actively considering the retirement of government officials either at the age of 60 years or after completing 33 years of service. whichever is earlier. Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh told the Parliament that there is no such proposal. “No Sir. There is no proposal to reduce retirement age below 60 years,” Singh said in a written reply.
In the last few months, there have been rumours that the government might change superannuation rules. Earlier, there were reports that there is a proposal to reduce retirement age by two years to 58 years. Singh had earlier said that there are provisions which allow the government to retire government officials prematurely on the ground of lack of integrity or ineffectiveness, in public interest, by giving notice of not less than three months in writing or three month’s pay and allowances in lieu of such notice.
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