A red alert has been issued in Chennai, and nearby districts of Kanchipuram, Tiruvallur and Chingleput as heavy rains continue to flood roads and subways. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had yesterday warned that heavy to very heavy rainfall can happen in the north coastal Tamil Nadu and nearby areas of south coastal Andhra Pradesh in the next three days.
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The rain poured at the Tamil Nadu capital at noon yesterday, and three persons died in rain-related incidents. Tamil Nadu witnessed heavy rainfall during the northeast monsoon and, according to the IMD, the ‘convective cells’ led to the rainfall. A forecast by the IMD had said: “Thunderstorm with mild rain is likely to occur over coastal Tamil Nadu. Thunderstorm with moderate rain is likely to happen in Villupuram, Cuddalore, Puducherry and Karaikal. Light rain is also likely to happen in Tamil Nadu districts.”