Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB) is quoting at Rs 16.7, up 1.21 per cent on the NSE. In 2021, the stock was down 23.04 per cent compared with a 14.97 per cent gain in NIFTY and a 10.19 per cent gain in the Nifty PSU Bank index.
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On Friday, Punjab & Sind Bank rose for a third straight session, and the stock is quoting at Rs 16.7, up 1.21 per cent. The benchmark NIFTY is up around 0.35 per cent, quoting 17382.1. The Sensex is at 58163.86, up 0.29 per cent. Punjab & Sind Bank has added around 0.3 per cent in August month.
Meanwhile, the Nifty PSU Bank index, of which Punjab & Sind Bank added around 4.04 per cent in August and is currently quoting at 2864.5, down 0.43 per cent. The volume in the stock stood at 7.57 lakh shares on September 30 compared to the daily average of 8.96 lakh shares in August. On December 21, the PE of the stock was 7.77 based on the TTM earnings ending.