At its lowest range this month now, the price of petrol has fallen by Rs 1.69 a litre and that of diesel by Rs 1.64 a litre in October. Fuel prices were left unchanged for the third consecutive day today by state-run fuel retailers.
A litre of petrol today costs Rs 72.92 in Delhi, Rs 75.35 in Bengaluru, Rs 75.72 in Chennai, Rs 78.54 in Mumbai, Rs 77.54 in Hyderabad and Rs 72.82 in Gurgaon. Diesel, on the other hand, costs Rs 65.85 a litre in Delhi, Rs 68.04 in Bengaluru, Rs 69.55 in Chennai, Rs 69.01 in Mumbai, Rs 71.81 in Hyderabad and Rs 65.14 in Gurgaon.
After making sharp spikes last month in the aftermath of attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities, fuel prices were either decreased or left unchanged in October. In the international market, crude oil rates are being pushed down due to worries over the US-China trade talks and an increasing US stockpile.
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