On Friday, the food and beverage giant PepsiCo India said it would invest an additional Rs 1.86 crore in expanding its food manufacturing plant in Kosi Kalan, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh to produce corn flakes brand Doritos. After that, PepsiCo’s total investment in its largest Greenfield Foods manufacturing plant, which produces Lay’s potato chips, will reach Rs 1,022 crore.
“As part of its expansion plan, PepsiCo India will increase the capacity of a state-of-the-art food factory by building a new line for Doritos, the world’s leading corn flakes brand,” the company said in a statement. Ahmed El Sheikh, President of PepsiCo India, said the progressive ecosystem and industrial environment in Uttar Pradesh present some great opportunities for PepsiCo India.
PepsiCo invested in the groundbreaking ceremony of the investor summit in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. PepsiCo India’s food manufacturing plant in Kosi Kalan, Mathura, opened in September 2021 and planned to source around 150,000 tonnes of potatoes a year for its Lay brand.
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In addition, a robust backward integration plan involving more than 5,000 local potato growers is being developed.
The Kosi Kalan factory provides livelihoods for thousands of supply chain partners, wholesalers, retailers, and more.
“The factory predicts to create more than 1,500 direct and indirect jobs and promote diversity, with a target of at least 30% female employees,” it said.