After one month the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested senior Congress leader P. Chidambaram in the INX Media case, the agency on Friday named 14 people in the charge sheet, including the former finance minister and his son Karti, people familiar with the development said, requesting anonymity.
Also, CBI charge sheet named the former NITI Aayog CEO and retired IAS officer Sindhushree Khullar, INX Media directors Peter and Indrani Mukerjea, besides Karti’s chartered accountant S. Bhaskar Raman. However, Indrani Mukherjea’s name was later dropped off the charge sheet, as she had turned an approver.
“It was found that the then two directors of a Mumbai-based private media company allegedly entered into a criminal conspiracy with the then finance minister, his son (the then director of management services company based in Chennai) and certain then public servants of FIPB unit for getting the said issues settled without any penal action against them, and thereby caused undue pecuniary advantage to the companies in terms of possible financial penalty under FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act), which could have been up to three times of the total amount involved,” the CBI said in a statement.
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