According to TRAI latest released data, Reliance Jio and state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) are the only two operators that gained new subscribers during the October 2018. Reliance Jio and BSNL on a combined basis, added over 1.08 crore new mobile phone customers with Reliance Jio alone adding over 1 crore subscribers whereas BSNL added 3.66 lakh customers.
Other operators, such as Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea, Tata Teleservices, Reliance Communications and MTNL jointly lost more than 1.01 crore customers. According to the data, Airtel lost 18.64 lakh, mobile subscribers, Vodafone Idea lost 73.61 lakh customers, Tata Teleservices lost 9.25 lakh meanwhile MTNL and RCom lost 8,068 and 3,831 customers, respectively.
Overall the telecom user base witnessed a marginal growth from 119.14 crores in September to 119.20 crore customers in October. The Indian telecom sector, which is heavily dominated by mobile segment with 98% market share, witnessed growth from 116.92 crore users in September to 117 crore users in October.
The report also stated that the wireline subscriber base declined from 2.21 crore users to 2.2 crore subscribers during the period under discussion. Meanwhile, as per TRAI data, the number of broadband customers rose by around 3% from 48.17 crores in September to 49.61 crores in October.
The top five “service providers were Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd (26.27 crores), Airtel (10.13 crore), Vodafone Idea (10.13 crore), BSNL (2.03 crore) and Tata Tele Group (25 lakh),” the report said.
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