On Thursday, Bengaluru-based electric-two-wheeler major Ola Electric’s chief marketing officer Varun Dubey resigned. Ola Electric said that Dubey has moved on from the company due to personal reasons.
Dubey joined the mobility startup in 2019 and was a critical representation of the company, a prominent press face and closely associated with founder Bhavish Aggarwal during the launch of the Ola Electric scooter. In the past two weeks, Ola Cars CEO Arun Sirdeshmukh and CTO Dinesh Radhakrishnan have quit the company, even as the startup battles criticism for quality issues in its flagship two-wheeler, the Ola S1 Pro.
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In the last two months, Dubey’s visibility in handling the aftermath of the fire incident in an Ola S1 pro in Pune in March had been limited. Several consumer complaints regarding software bugs in the scooter that caused it to reverse when the command was to accelerate have also exacerbated concerns regarding proper on-road testing of the product. Once again, Dubey’s visibility in engaging with the media in these matters had been limited – a departure from his frequent engagement with the press earlier.
However, Dubey’s absence from the event was due to a family emergency which necessitated him to travel out of the city.