The Gross GST collection of Odisha during the financial year 2021-22 has been recorded at Rs 44334.67 crore against Rs 29852.76 crore for the year 2020-21, with a growth of 49 per cent. The corresponding collection for 2019-20 was Rs 29686.32 crore, informed the Commissionerate of Central Taxes (CT) and GST, Odisha.
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A statement issued by the Commissionerate of CT and GST read, “The Gross GST collection of the state during March ’22 has been recorded at Rs 4124.66 crore as against Rs 3285.29 core during March ’21 registering a growth of 26 per cent, which is the highest growth rate amongst all the major states in the country.”
It further said, “The collection of OGST during March ’22 was Rs 1351.25 crore against Rs 954.62 crore during March’21with a growth rate of 42 per cent. The collection of Rs 1351.25 crore during March ’22 is also the highest ever collection of OGST by the state in a month since the inception of GST. “