The Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC) has launched a dedicated women helpline, ‘Damini’, which is a calling and a WhatsApp service for the safety of women. The unique number “81142-77777” has been subscribed for the helpline, which is an extension of the ‘Nirbhaya Yojana’ that aims to ensure the safety of women.
UPSRTC managing director Raj Shekhar said that the helpline is called ‘Damini’ because of its specific nature and importance. He said that the UPSRTC will make the number visible by printing it inside buses and at bus stations by January 15. The service will be functional from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day and will be exclusively handled by women officers at the UPSRTC headquarters and regional offices. Women passengers can lodge their complaints on the general helpline number, 1800-180-2877, after 6 p.m.
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