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Tata Motors partners with Volkswagen and Skoda for joint development of products

On Friday, Tata Motors has entered into a long-term partnership with Volkswagen Group and Skoda for exploring strategic alliance opportunity for joint development of products.

The agreement has been signed by Guenter Butschek, CEO & MD of Tata Motors, Matthias Mueller, CEO of Volkswagen AG and Bernhard Maier, CEO of Skoda Auto.

Tata Motors CEO and Managing Director, Guenter Butschek has said “We are delighted to announce our potential cooperation with Volkswagen Group and Skoda. We strongly believe that both the companies, by working together, can leverage from each other’s strengths to create synergies and develop smart innovative solutions for the Indian and overseas market. This is in alignment with Tata Motors’ efforts to make itself ‘FutuReady’ by embracing new technologies, fostering higher platform efficiency and offering solutions that connect with the aspirations of our customers.”

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