Samsung Vietnam has released a video teasing of new arrival of Galaxy A (2020)series. In this video, it is confirmed that the series will be unveiled as soon as December 12. Earlier it was expected next year release, but clearly Samsung wants to get ready before the new year arrives. There is no clarity on which phones will be unveiled on December 12, but if rumours are to be believed, then the Galaxy A51 is expected to launch first. Also, the video has released on Youtube channel on Samsung Vietnam. It essentially shows the camera improvements made on the Galaxy J series and Galaxy A series phones over the years, and what can be expected from the upcoming Galaxy A (2020) series. The video also reveals the hole-punch display on the upcoming phone, with the cut out in the centre, just like the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 series.
Other phones expected in the Galaxy A (2020) series include the Galaxy A21, Galaxy A31, Galaxy A41, Galaxy A61, Galaxy A71, Galaxy A81, and Galaxy A91. Samsung Galaxy A81 is reported to come with S-Pen support, and the Samsung Galaxy A91 is expected to be powered by the Snapdragon 855 SoC and support 45W fast charging tech.
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