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PwC India To Invest Rs.100 Crores In Develop Digital Solutions


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) India has declared that they will invest around Rs. 100 crores on developing digital solutions. As perthe statement, PwC India aims to unlock new value for clients by exploiting the potential presented by emerging technologies.

The company is also planning to hire 1,000 digital technology experts over the course of three years in order to fortify their competence to deliver tech solutions. The company has already made plenty of investments towards innovation, digital R&D and talent for building new tech-enabled solutions.

The company has also showcased 40 new tech solutions in the fields of finance, digital, risk and compliance and tax. These solutions have been developed to address critical challenges on emerging technologies like cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and Mobile.

Deepankar Sanwalka, PwC India partner & leader (advisory), stated, “Many of the tech solutions launched today are already in use by clients, both in India and abroad. PwC India is investing in both people and technology to build strong, tech-enabled solutions teams that will provide value-added services to clients.”

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