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By EquityPandit

INDIALatest News

Modi Asks People to Light Lamps, Candles, Torches at 9 PM

After asking people to show up on their balconies and gates to applaud unsung warriors against coronavirus during the last month’s ‘Janata Curfew’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today asked all Indians to display a collective spirit in the fight against the disease by coming out on balconies and gates once again this Sunday. While maintaining social distancing, people have been asked to come out with lamps, torches, candles or even use mobile phone’s flashlights for 9 minutes at 9 pm on April 5 to mark our fight against COVID-19. PM Modi has also urged people to remain indoors and not form groups.
What PM Modi said in his video message:

  1. Social distancing should not be breached under any circumstances. This is the only panacea to break the chain of coronavirus: Modi
  2. Never cross the line of social distancing: Modi
  3. Let’s defeat corona together and make India win: PM Modi
  4. We have to move towards the light from the darkness created by coronavirus: PM
  5. We are at home during the lockdown, but we are not alone as the collective strength of the entire country is with each one of us: PM Modi.
  6. I want 9 minutes of yours on 5 April at 9 pm. Switch off all lights, stand at balcony or gate with a candle, torch or mobile phone’s flashlight: PM
  7. This Sunday, April 5, we need to challenge the darkness of coronavirus.
  8. PM Modi said there were unprecedented discipline and sense of service by people during the lockdown.
  9. PM Modi thanks people for respecting the corona lockdown.

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