Today, LPG cylinder prices raise high by Rs 19 per cylinder from the fifth consecutive month. The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder of 14.2 kg was priced at Rs 695 in New Delhi, till December 31, but the rate has now gone up to Rs 714. State-run fuel retailers change LPG cylinder rates every month, based on international benchmark rates. According to Indian Oil, which retails Indane LPG cylinders, the price of a 14.2 kg LPG cylinder has now been revised to Rs 714 in Delhi, Rs 747 in Kolkata, Rs 684 in Mumbai and Rs 734 in Chennai.
Similarly, the price of a 19 kg LPG cylinder has been revised to Rs 1241 in Delhi, Rs 1308.50 in Kolkata, Rs 1190 in Mumbai and Rs 1363 in Chennai. The revised prices are effective from January 1, 2020. LPG cylinder rates are now inching back to May-June 2019 levels when it was the highest in the last year. In September, LPG cylinder rates had fallen to a low of Rs 590 in Delhi following a slump in the international market over US-China trade tensions. Since then, prices have been rising.
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